Success story

Ella’s Kitchen – From Market Entry to the No.1 Wet Baby Food Brand in Ireland


Ella's Kitchen baby food brand logo


Hain Celestial logo


Baby food brand Ella’s Kitchen had created an ingenious range of organic, sustainably sourced wet baby food with no additives, and they needed to show the world.

Ceuta Group, an IQVIA business, has been managing the brand and its customers for over a decade, taking care of the sales, marketing, warehousing, and distribution, supporting it to come from market entry to Ireland’s No.1 Wet Baby Food Brand.

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Ireland's favourite wet baby food brand

World map with Ireland highlighted


Using our local market, retailer, and consumer insight and expertise, Ceuta Group, an IQVIA business, has supported Ella’s Kitchen to build a powerful brand presence across all channels and a strong relationship with its target audience.

If you feel inspired and want to find out more, get in touch.